Thursday, December 27, 2007

Daytrips in December

November was all about rain and wind, while December did give us some nice sunny days and later on some temperatures, which made Holland shiver; would it be possible to skate on the lakes and canals?
Well it did last only a few days. Temperatures did not drop enough to skate on the lake, but some other parts of the country were luckier…

Over here we just continue with kayaking. Most were daytrips in and around Groningen: Foxholstermeer, Zuidlaardermeer, Paterswoldsemeer or just a little paddle on the canals in Groningen city itself.
Sometimes with Kor and/or Lianna, sometimes all by myself.


Anonymous said...

Happy new year!

COBBER said...

Happy New Year for you as well.
Do I know you, because you did not leave a name.